Application Modernization

Best Application Modernization

Increase Agility & Speed with Advanced Application Migration Services

Enhance the efficiency of core systems, modernize legacy applications, and develop new digital products. Safely manage applications across diverse platforms, staying abreast of the latest application modernization services. Identify target applications for modernization, outline the modernization process, and anticipate the expected outcomes

  • Modernization Consulting
  • Software Reengineering
  • Cloud Migration
  • API Integration
Best Application Modernization Company

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Our Services

What We’re Offering

Modernization Consulting

Evaluate and enhance legacy systems through expert application modernization strategies. Receive comprehensive improvement guidance and an actionable roadmap for maximizing value.

Software Refinement

Modernize legacy applications, optimize key systems, reduce technical debt, and boost performance. Re-engineer apps for seamless, low-cost upgrades to improve user experience.

Cloud Migration

Facilitate the modernization of cloud applications by transitioning legacy assets to agile infrastructure. Achieve a smooth migration for cost efficiency and accelerated innovation.

UX Modernization

Amplify user adoption, elevate the user experience of legacy apps, and retain customers with our advanced legacy software modernization services. Craft unique experiences that drive affordable revenue growth.

API Integration

Streamline the modernization of legacy systems with automated processes for seamless data sharing. Effortlessly integrate with modern API services, extending compatibility even across third-party applications and cloud platforms.

Application Containerization

Elevate legacy software through the isolated execution offered by containerization. Our system integration services optimize performance, security, and efficiency without necessitating complex migrations.

What’s Happening

Looking for Top Application
Modernization Company

  • Innovation and Technology Leadership
  • Expertise and Specialization
  • Client-Centric Approach
  • We’re Serving
    12 Years

    Dedicated service for over a decade, fostering trust, reliability, and expertise

  • Certified
    platform experts

    Trusted specialists with certified expertise in advanced platform technologies.

Our Solutions

Application Modernization Solutions

Legacy System Modernization

Enhance legacy systems with robust applications, databases, and graphical user interfaces. Diminish complexity, improve data consistency, and facilitate cross-platform collaboration. Transform mission-critical systems into functional assets with our application modernization services.

  • App Upgrades
  • Simplify Complexity
  • Cross-Platform Collaboration

Legacy Application Modernization

Enhance interoperability of legacy applications to boost productivity and facilitate seamless integration. Improve compatibility with modern technology, ensuring future-ready operations. Enhance efficiency and ensure safety in streamlined processes.

  • Interoperability Boost
  • Tech Compatibility
  • Streamlined Safety

Legacy Infrastructure Modernization

Revitalize aging infrastructure for superior performance. Our expert modernization enhances value by transforming outdated systems. Streamline operations with result-driven legacy application modernization services, freeing up time for mission-critical tasks.

  • System Transformation
  • Performance Revival
  • Time Efficiency
Software to Support Industry
Best Application Modernization Services in india

get benefits

Why Choose Our Service

  • Software quality controls

    We uphold coding standards and implement comprehensive software testing to ensure a robust quality management system.

  • Realistic estimates

    We consider software complexity, the sophistication of the tech stack, team expertise, and potential risks to provide accurate and objective estimates for the project's duration and cost.

  • Transparent service delivery

    We establish a customized KPI system to impartially assess collaboration efficiency, providing regular project progress reports.

  • Timely and exhaustive documentation

    We meticulously document the development process and software, consistently sharing all necessary documents with your stakeholders.

Development Solution

Our Expertise in Dependable Technologies and Tools

  • .net .NET
  • GO GO
  • Ruby/Rails Ruby/Rails
  • Java Java
  • Rust Rust
  • Javascript Javascript
  • Swift Swift
  • Python Python
  •  R Lang R Lang
  • C Sharp C Sharp
  • c++ C++
  • MySQL
  • IBM Db2
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • PostgreSQL
  • ClickHouse
  • Oracle DB
  • Cassandra
  • Elastic Search
  • Bootstrap
  • LAMP Stack
  • AngularJS
  • MEAN Stack
  • Node.js
  • Microsoft CNTK
  • React
  • Keras
  • Vue.js
  • GCP
  • Django
  • AWS
  • Apache Spark
  • Ember.js
  • Apache SINGA

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the value of application modernization in business?

    In today's fast-paced digital market, application modernization is critical for firms hoping to maintain efficiency and competitiveness. Updating outdated software systems to take use of modern technology and improve scalability, security, and performance is known as modernizing legacy applications. By using this procedure, companies can lower the technical debt and upkeep expenses related to old systems. Businesses may increase their agility and enable quicker deployment and more effective reactions to market changes by implementing contemporary architectures like microservices and cloud-native solutions. Furthermore, improved user experiences offered by updated apps frequently result in increased client engagement and satisfaction. In the end, application modernization gives companies the ability to develop new ideas, streamline processes, and maintain expansion in a rapidly changing technology landscape.

  • How will application modernization impact your current business processes?

    Application modernization can improve performance overall, agility, and efficiency, which can have a big influence on your present business operations. You may streamline processes and cut down on the time and effort needed to complete everyday tasks by modernizing legacy systems to take advantage of contemporary technologies. Decision-making speed can increase as a result, and productivity can rise. Additionally, more advanced integration features in modern apps enable smooth communication across various departments and systems, which can enhance teamwork and streamline processes. Using contemporary architectures such as microservices can also improve flexibility and scalability, allowing your company to quickly adjust to shifting market demands. In the end, application modernization can completely change your business processes, bringing them into the modern era of technology and increasing their resilience, effectiveness, and alignment.

  • How long will the modernization process take?

    The duration of the application modernization process can vary widely based on several factors, including the complexity of the existing systems, the extent of the changes required, and the specific goals of the modernization effort. Typically, a small-scale project involving minor updates and optimizations might take a few months, whereas large-scale transformations involving complete architectural overhauls and significant feature enhancements could span several months to over a year. At Xovient, we begin with a thorough assessment of your current systems to provide a more accurate timeline. We then develop a detailed plan that includes phased implementation, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations. Regular updates and iterative improvements throughout the process help ensure that the modernization aligns with your business needs and progresses smoothly.

  • What specific technologies will be used in the modernization process?

    Xovient uses a variety of state-of-the-art technologies during the modernization process to ensure optimum performance and scalability. For scalable and adaptable infrastructure, we make use of cloud computing platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. The use of microservices architecture allows programs to be divided into autonomous, manageable services. Docker and Kubernetes are two examples of containerization tools that make deployment and management more efficient. We also include cutting-edge DevOps techniques, automating testing and deployment through CI/CD pipelines. Furthermore, contemporary programming languages and frameworks like Angular, React, and Node.js improve user experience and development efficiency. When combined, these technologies guarantee a reliable, scalable, and adaptable modernization of applications.

  • How will modernization improve our system's scalability and performance?

    Modernization makes use of modern technological and architectural advancements to significantly enhance the scalability and performance of your system. Using cloud platforms allows your infrastructure to scale seamlessly by allowing it to dynamically adapt resources to handle changing loads. By dividing larger programs into smaller, independent services, microservices architecture allows for the individual scalability of each component in response to demand. Better performance and more effective use of resources follow from this. By utilizing solutions like Docker and Kubernetes, containerization guarantees a consistent and optimal deployment, cutting down on downtime and expediting updates. Using latest programming languages and frameworks also enhances code efficiency and speed of execution. All things considered, modernization makes it possible for your system to perform at its best and easily accommodate development.

  • How does Xovient address security concerns during the modernization process?

    At Xovient, we prioritize security throughout the modernization process by implementing comprehensive measures. We use end-to-end encryption to protect data during transmission and at rest. Our team conducts regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate risks proactively. We also incorporate robust access controls and authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access. By adhering to industry standards and compliance requirements, we ensure that all security protocols are up-to-date. Additionally, we continuously monitor and update security measures to address emerging threats, ensuring that your modernized system remains secure and resilient against potential cyberattacks.

  • What post-modernization support does Xovient provide for updated applications?

    Xovient provides thorough post-modernization assistance to guarantee that your upgraded apps keep operating at their best. Our services include routine upkeep and updates to keep your apps current and safe using the newest technology. We offer technical help around-the-clock to quickly resolve any problems or queries that could come up. To guarantee that your apps function properly, our staff does continuous performance improvement and monitoring. To assist your staff in efficiently managing and utilizing the updated programs, we also provide training and documentation. You can be sure that your apps will continue to be dependable, safe, and effective with Xovient's post-modernization support.

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